Friday, October 26, 2012

Slow cooked stew/Chickpeas and apple salad/Potato papollote/Apple tatin

I have been taking a French cooking class once a month since last May. I found the class through my organic bread baking class that I used to take two years ago in Oakville. A Japanese lady who used to live in France with her husband and his family, after they moved to Toronto, she started her cooking class at her house. She is very creative and talented cook. I always enjoy learning new recipes from her. This is my precious time once a month that I totally get inspired and loved.
This month, what we cooked;
- Goulash aux Trois Viandes (slow cooked stew)
- Pois chiches aux Pommes (chickpeas and apple salad)
- Pommes de terre en Papollote d'automne a la vapeur (Potato papollote)
- Tarte au tatin (Apple tatin)

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