Friday, October 12, 2012

Detox dinner (Japanese style paella and soup)/ Pancit (Filipino fried noodle)

While we were on a road trip in the States, especially when we were driving somewhere in the middle of no where on the highways, only the restaurants that we could find was fast food chains. We try to eat as healthy as possible, so we wanted to avoid to eat there. However, over 16-17+ driving, we had no choice but had to eat junk fast food few times. My younger son threw up every time after he ate those food. His body was refuse to take those chemicals in his body. so, after we came home from our one week trip, we had to detox. I made a special detox dinner using a traditional Japanese detox vegetables - gobo (burdock) and konnyaku (Konjac). I made a "takikomi gohan" (Japanese style vegetable paella) and "Buta-jiru" (vegetable soup with thin sliced pork for flavour) - I used a lot of gobo and konnyaku. I also made a "pancit" (Filipino fried noodles).

Gobo root is traditionally valued for its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. It is highly esteemed as a blood detoxifier, a diuretic, and a topical remedy for maladies of the skin, including psoriasis and acne. In Chinese herbal medicine, it is used in concert with other herbs to allay the discomfort of sore throats and colds.

Konnyaku is a water-soluble dietary fiber derived from the root of the Konjac plant. It contains zero calories. The Konjac root is highly rich in positive vitamins, minerals and fiber. Besides its most beneficial nutritional quality of being high in fiber, Konjac contains vitamins such as iron, potassium, phosphorous selenium and calcium. The root also contains many types of essential amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Both of them are amazing detox vegetables and so many other health benefits to your body. I am a huge believer in natural cures and I am fortunate to be a Japanese that we have a long history of use of all kinds of vegetables/fruits as natural medicines. I have a commitment to feed my boys healthy food every day. It's a time consuming work but it is totally worth it and I believe that this is the best thing that I can do for my kids as a mother - beside giving them hugs and kisses :-)

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